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The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.
Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.
Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.
The lion and the calf will lay down together, but the calf won't get much sleep..
The lion and the calf will lay down together, but the calf won't get much sleep..
The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence.
The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence.
Strange that the vanity which accompanies beauty --excusable, perhaps, when there is such great beauty, or at any rate understandable read more
Strange that the vanity which accompanies beauty --excusable, perhaps, when there is such great beauty, or at any rate understandable --should persist after the beauty was gone.
The force of truth that a statement imparts, then, its prominence among the hordes of recorded observations that I may read more
The force of truth that a statement imparts, then, its prominence among the hordes of recorded observations that I may optionally apply to my own life, depends, in addition to the sense that it is argumentatively defensible, on the sense that someone like me, and someone I like, whose voice is audible and who is at least notionally in the same room with me, does or can possibly hold it to be compellingly true.
I remember committing myself to make it in the garbage business, "whatever it takes!".
I remember committing myself to make it in the garbage business, "whatever it takes!".
It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tost upon the sea: a pleasure to read more
It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tost upon the sea: a pleasure to stand in the window of a castle, and to see a battle and the adventures thereof below: but no pleasure is comparable to standing upon the vantage ground of truth... and to see the errors, and wanderings, and mists, and tempests, in the vale below.
Fair and softly goes far.
Fair and softly goes far.