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Our natures are a lot like oil, mix us with anything else, and we strive to swim on top.
Our natures are a lot like oil, mix us with anything else, and we strive to swim on top.
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'menGang aft agley. - "To A Mouse".
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'menGang aft agley. - "To A Mouse".
When new turns of behavior cease to appear in the life of the individual, its behavior ceases to be intelligent.
When new turns of behavior cease to appear in the life of the individual, its behavior ceases to be intelligent.
Perfect behavior is born of complete indifference.
Perfect behavior is born of complete indifference.
At the time, my grandparents told my mom, "Lordy, what is Shannen doing?" Now I've calmed down. [on her reputation read more
At the time, my grandparents told my mom, "Lordy, what is Shannen doing?" Now I've calmed down. [on her reputation for bad behavior].
If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your read more
If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your time, if I do my own
Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image
Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image
Nothing happens by itself... it all will come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come read more
Nothing happens by itself... it all will come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions.
We like to see others, but don't like others to see through us.
We like to see others, but don't like others to see through us.