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Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule.
Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule.
Gluttony kills more then the sword.
[Gluttony kills more than the sword.]
Gluttony kills more then the sword.
[Gluttony kills more than the sword.]
Each must drain
His share of pleasure, share of pain.
Each must drain
His share of pleasure, share of pain.
Caesar's wife should be above suspicion.
Caesar's wife should be above suspicion.
If all fooles had babies, wee should want fuell.
If all fooles had babies, wee should want fuell.
The Wolfe knowes, what the ill beast thinkes.
The Wolfe knowes, what the ill beast thinkes.
Condemn the fault, but not the actor of it.
Condemn the fault, but not the actor of it.
He that lives not well one yeare, sorrowes seven after.
He that lives not well one yeare, sorrowes seven after.
He that passeth a winters day escapes an enemy.
He that passeth a winters day escapes an enemy.