Maxioms by Dora Read Goodale
The modest, lowly violet
In leaves of tender green is set;
So rich she cannot hide from read more
The modest, lowly violet
In leaves of tender green is set;
So rich she cannot hide from view,
But covers all the bank with blue.
A blossom of returning light,
An April flower of sun and dew;
The earth and sky, the read more
A blossom of returning light,
An April flower of sun and dew;
The earth and sky, the day and night
Are melted in her depth of blue!
The Autumn wood the aster knows,
The empty nest, the wind that grieves,
The sunlight breaking thro' read more
The Autumn wood the aster knows,
The empty nest, the wind that grieves,
The sunlight breaking thro' the shade,
The squirrel chattering overhead,
The timid rabbits lighter tread
Among the rustling leaves.