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When you get something for nothing, you just haven't been billed for it
When you get something for nothing, you just haven't been billed for it
I'm at an age where I think more about food than I do about sex. Last
week I put a read more
I'm at an age where I think more about food than I do about sex. Last
week I put a mirror over my dining room table.
Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one
unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten read more
Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one
unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with
each unit of effort.
It's often said that life is strange. But compared to what?.
It's often said that life is strange. But compared to what?.
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should
be-because sooner or later, if you're read more
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should
be-because sooner or later, if you're posing, you will forget the pose and
then where are you?.
Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are
taken out, it's just sort of a tired read more
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are
taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling.
Hope is the expectation that something outside of ourselves, something or someone external, is going to come to our rescue read more
Hope is the expectation that something outside of ourselves, something or someone external, is going to come to our rescue and we will live happily ever after.
If someone says can't, that shows you what to do.
If someone says can't, that shows you what to do.