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Sometimes students find it funny when it happens to someone else.
Sometimes students find it funny when it happens to someone else.
It's a celebration of the water that is not romantic. It's a celebration of water within the context of the read more
It's a celebration of the water that is not romantic. It's a celebration of water within the context of the time we live in.
Let them hate so long as they fear.
Let them hate so long as they fear.
I don't think there's enough evidence to support the argument that there is a recovery in information technology.
I don't think there's enough evidence to support the argument that there is a recovery in information technology.
I hire tea by the tea bag.
I hire tea by the tea bag.
The driver veered off the roadway edge where his motorcycle struck a section of guardrail causing an ejection,
The driver veered off the roadway edge where his motorcycle struck a section of guardrail causing an ejection,
It fooled him, how many other people are getting fooled?
It fooled him, how many other people are getting fooled?
Up to now I've done everything I've wanted to do the way I wanted to do myself.
Up to now I've done everything I've wanted to do the way I wanted to do myself.
What I want back is what I was
Before the bed, before the knife,
Before the brooch-pin and the salve
read more
What I want back is what I was
Before the bed, before the knife,
Before the brooch-pin and the salve
Fixed me in this parenthesis;
Horses fluent in the wind,
A place, a time gone out of mind.