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  •   5  /  9  

    This is a disaster in the making, ... This is the casino we discussed with Steve and he said that it would not happen. It seems to be happening! The way to stop it is for Interior to say they are not satisfied with the environmental impact report. Can you get him to stop this one asap? They are moving fast. Thanks Italia. This is a direct assault on our guys, Saginaw Chippewa.

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  9  /  20  

But great individual talent isn't what wins games in the NBA. The guys have to all be on the same read more

But great individual talent isn't what wins games in the NBA. The guys have to all be on the same page to win. I'm not sure they had that last season.

by Chucky Atkins Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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  10  /  13  

Don't be condescending to unskilled labor. Try it for a half a day first.

Don't be condescending to unskilled labor. Try it for a half a day first.

by Brooks Atkinson Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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  7  /  26  

You can speculate what's going to happen, but upsets happen in sports all the time.

You can speculate what's going to happen, but upsets happen in sports all the time.

by Mel Angelstad Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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  9  /  11  

It was nice to swing the bats and get some hits.

It was nice to swing the bats and get some hits.

by Dan Andrews Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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  10  /  35  

Mechanism is always important, because without understanding it, it's difficult to predict how animal data would translate to people.

Mechanism is always important, because without understanding it, it's difficult to predict how animal data would translate to people.

by Aileen Anderson Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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  11  /  13  

If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all.

If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all.

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  32  /  26  

It was a big advantage to be first on the road.

It was a big advantage to be first on the road.

by Luc Alphand Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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  20  /  25  

When he came here and turned the program around, I'm talking about the whole city has galvanized behind him. The read more

When he came here and turned the program around, I'm talking about the whole city has galvanized behind him. The thing I like about it is he really brought the city together, the black and the white. You look up to the stands and you'd see all races up there. ... He brought the city together a lot. That's why a lot of people around here hate to see him go, because that electricity seems like it's died down.

by Lee Anderson Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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  25  /  14  

If not, it's going to be really hard finding someone to step into this.

If not, it's going to be really hard finding someone to step into this.

by Kevin Anderson Found in: Miscellaneous Quotes,
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